Gene: LINC01121

Basic information

LNCipedia gene ID: LINC01121 
Location (hg19): chr2:45389841-45550518
Strand: -
Class: intergenic
Sequence Ontology term: lincRNA_gene
Transcripts: 12


Transcript IDLocation (hg19)Length
LINC01121:1 chr2:45528404-45550518 417 bp
LINC01121:10 chr2:45401481-45402350 343 bp
LINC01121:11 chr2:45401479-45402350 345 bp
LINC01121:12 chr2:45389841-45392221 2116 bp
LINC01121:2 chr2:45419318-45550434 721 bp
LINC01121:3 chr2:45401481-45482080 1097 bp
LINC01121:4 chr2:45401483-45482080 1095 bp
LINC01121:5 chr2:45401480-45482080 1098 bp
LINC01121:6 chr2:45414309-45419424 2226 bp
LINC01121:7 chr2:45392009-45419404 722 bp
LINC01121:8 chr2:45401675-45419343 345 bp
LINC01121:9 chr2:45401699-45402931 706 bp

Locus conservation

Locus conservation?
LINC01121 no no no no

Available literature

  1. Qian (2018), LINC01121 Inhibits Cell Apoptosis While Facilitating Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion Though Negative Regulation of the Camp/PKA Signaling Pathway via GLP1R., Cell. Physiol. Biochem.