Gene: LINC02081

Basic information

LNCipedia gene ID: LINC02081 
Location (hg19): chr17:76604249-76628149
Strand: -
Class: intergenic
Sequence Ontology term: lincRNA_gene
Transcripts: 14


Transcript IDLocation (hg19)Length
LINC02081:16 chr17:76604249-76628149 1707 bp
LINC02081:17 chr17:76613458-76628149 7097 bp
LINC02081:18 chr17:76613458-76628149 6944 bp
LINC02081:19 chr17:76613458-76628149 7538 bp
LINC02081:20 chr17:76613458-76628149 7385 bp
LINC02081:21 chr17:76613551-76628149 877 bp
LINC02081:22 chr17:76614844-76628149 893 bp
LINC02081:23 chr17:76613551-76628139 867 bp
LINC02081:24 chr17:76613466-76628139 2261 bp
LINC02081:25 chr17:76613466-76628139 952 bp
LINC02081:26 chr17:76614844-76628133 877 bp
LINC02081:27 chr17:76613471-76626252 501 bp
LINC02081:28 chr17:76613491-76615641 1636 bp
LINC02081:29 chr17:76613498-76614757 857 bp

Locus conservation

Locus conservation?
LINC02081 no no no no

Available literature

  1. Fu (2017), Deregulated lncRNAs in B Cells from Patients with Active Tuberculosis., PLoS ONE
  2. Fan (2016), Identification of a RNA-Seq Based 8-Long Non-Coding RNA Signature Predicting Survival in Esophageal Cancer., Med. Sci. Monit.