Transcript: DLEU1:9

Basic information

LNCipedia transcript ID: DLEU1:9 
LNCipedia gene ID: DLEU1
Location (hg19): chr13:50656307-50679433
Strand: +
Class: intergenic
Sequence Ontology term: lincRNA
Transcript size: 1034 bp
Exons: 3
Sources: NONCODE v4
Alternative transcript names: NONHSAT033814
Alternative gene names: LEU1; XTP6; NCRNA00021; LINC00021; BCMS1

RNA sequence:


Protein coding potential

Metric Raw result Interpretation
PRIDE reprocessing 2.0 0 non-coding 
Lee translation initiation sites 0 non-coding 
PhyloCSF score -88.9089 non-coding 
CPAT coding probability 0.86% non-coding 
Bazzini small ORFs 0 non-coding 

In stringent set: yes

Locus conservation

Locus conservation?
DLEU1:9 no no no no

Available literature

  1. Wolf (2001), B-cell neoplasia associated gene with multiple splicing (BCMS): the candidate B-CLL gene on 13q14 comprises more than 560 kb covering all critical regions., Hum. Mol. Genet.
  2. Liu (1997), Cloning of two candidate tumor suppressor genes within a 10 kb region on chromosome 13q14, frequently deleted in chronic lymphocytic leukemia., Oncogene

LNCipedia transcript ID history

LNCipedia version LNCipedia transcript ID
3.1 lnc-RNASEH2B-3:17
4.0 DLEU1:9
4.1 DLEU1:9
5.0 DLEU1:9
5.1 DLEU1:9
5.2 DLEU1:9