Transcript: LINC01016:10

Basic information

LNCipedia transcript ID: LINC01016:10 
LNCipedia gene ID: LINC01016
Location (hg19): chr6:33857289-33860527
Strand: -
Class: intergenic
Sequence Ontology term: lincRNA
Transcript size: 2983 bp
Exons: 2
Sources: Broad Institute; NONCODE v4
Alternative transcript names: TCONS_00011210; NONHSAT109850
Alternative gene names: XLOC_005689; linc-MLN;

RNA sequence:


Protein coding potential

Metric Raw result Interpretation
PRIDE reprocessing 2.0 0 non-coding 
Lee translation initiation sites 0 non-coding 
PhyloCSF score 9.3387 non-coding 
CPAT coding probability 1.45% non-coding 
Bazzini small ORFs 0 non-coding 

In stringent set: yes

Locus conservation

Locus conservation?
LINC01016:10 no no no no

Available literature

  1. Lin (2016), Primate-specific oestrogen-responsive long non-coding RNAs regulate proliferation and viability of human breast cancer cells., Open Biol
  2. Miano (2016), Luminal long non-coding RNAs regulated by estrogen receptor alpha in a ligand-independent manner show functional roles in breast cancer., Oncotarget
  3. Jonsson (2015), Single-Molecule Sequencing Reveals Estrogen-Regulated Clinically Relevant lncRNAs in Breast Cancer., Mol. Endocrinol.

LNCipedia transcript ID history

LNCipedia version LNCipedia transcript ID
1.3 lnc-MLN-1:9
3.1 lnc-MLN-1:9
4.0 LINC01016:10
4.1 LINC01016:10
5.0 LINC01016:10
5.1 LINC01016:10
5.2 LINC01016:10