Transcript: lnc-TRIM26-2:2

Basic information

LNCipedia transcript ID: lnc-TRIM26-2:2 
LNCipedia gene ID: lnc-TRIM26-2
Location (hg19): chr6:30258783-30294674
Strand: -
Class: antisense
Sequence Ontology term: antisense_lncRNA
Transcript size: 4317 bp
Exons: 4
Sources: Ensembl release 64 - Sep 2011; Gencode v13; Ensembl release 68 - Jul 2012; NONCODE v4
Alternative transcript names: ENST00000413358; ENST00000413358.1; HCG18-005; OTTHUMT00000256036.1; NONHSAT108624
Alternative gene names: ENSG00000231074; HCG18; ENSG00000231074.2; OTTHUMG00000031138.3

RNA sequence:


Protein coding potential

Metric Raw result Interpretation
PRIDE reprocessing 2.0 0 non-coding 
Lee translation initiation sites 1 non-coding 
PhyloCSF score -33.9887 non-coding 
CPAT coding probability 9.12% non-coding 
Bazzini small ORFs 0 non-coding 

In stringent set: no

Locus conservation

Locus conservation?
lnc-TRIM26-2:2 no no no no

Available literature

  1. Wang (2015), Identification of lncRNA-associated competing triplets reveals global patterns and prognostic markers for cancer., Nucleic Acids Res.
  2. Ning (2014), LincSNP: a database of linking disease-associated SNPs to human large intergenic non-coding RNAs., BMC Bioinformatics

LNCipedia transcript ID history

LNCipedia version LNCipedia transcript ID
1.3 lnc-TRIM26-1:2
3.1 lnc-TRIM26-2:2
4.0 lnc-TRIM26-2:2
4.1 lnc-TRIM26-2:2
5.0 lnc-TRIM26-2:2
5.1 lnc-SFTA2-26:10
5.2 lnc-TRIM26-2:2