Gene: SNHG6

Basic information

LNCipedia gene ID: SNHG6 
Location (hg19): chr8:67833919-67838633
Strand: -
Class: antisense
Sequence Ontology term: antisense_lncRNA_gene
Transcripts: 18


Transcript IDLocation (hg19)Length
SNHG6:1 chr8:67834253-67838633 479 bp
SNHG6:10 chr8:67834165-67837777 681 bp
SNHG6:11 chr8:67834506-67837776 560 bp
SNHG6:12 chr8:67834230-67837776 2578 bp
SNHG6:13 chr8:67833919-67837776 648 bp
SNHG6:14 chr8:67834222-67837776 302 bp
SNHG6:16 chr8:67834222-67837776 302 bp
SNHG6:17 chr8:67834506-67837776 560 bp
SNHG6:18 chr8:67833919-67837776 648 bp
SNHG6:19 chr8:67834053-67837776 583 bp
SNHG6:2 chr8:67834053-67837831 638 bp
SNHG6:3 chr8:67834239-67837816 437 bp
SNHG6:4 chr8:67834165-67837777 472 bp
SNHG6:5 chr8:67834165-67837777 291 bp
SNHG6:6 chr8:67834165-67837777 360 bp
SNHG6:7 chr8:67834165-67837777 224 bp
SNHG6:8 chr8:67834165-67837777 293 bp
SNHG6:9 chr8:67834165-67837777 693 bp

Locus conservation

Locus conservation?
SNHG6 no no no no

Available literature

  1. Yan (2017), LncRNA SNHG6 is Associated with Poor Prognosis of Gastric Cancer and Promotes Cell Proliferation and EMT through Epigenetically Silencing p27 and Sponging miR-101-3p., Cell. Physiol. Biochem.
  2. Ichigozaki (2016), Serum long non-coding RNA, snoRNA host gene 5 level as a new tumor marker of malignant melanoma., Exp. Dermatol.
  3. Tørring (2014), Long non-coding RNA expression profiles in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia., PLoS ONE
  4. Clark (2012), Genome-wide analysis of long noncoding RNA stability., Genome Res.
  5. Friedel (2009), Conserved principles of mammalian transcriptional regulation revealed by RNA half-life., Nucleic Acids Res.
  6. Makarova (2005), Noncoding RNA of U87 host gene is associated with ribosomes and is relatively resistant to nonsense-mediated decay., Gene